Monday 18 August 2008

The BEGINNING of the World, Pt 1.

Here is how the world began: a card trick to put the devil in his place.

See, God was throwing aces against the wall of time one day when the devil caught one and bet God he couldn't make a universe in under a week. God said "wtf" (which is where Gamers get it from), just like he'd been insulted, and totally took that bet.

So Moses is writing all this down a couple thousand years later and is like, "wow. sweet." right in the middle of divine inspiration time, and now we have the Pentatuch.'s pretty easy to explain.

1 comment:

  1. I like this one too. Is it bad that I really like sacreligious interpretations of Bible stories? Like the feeding of the 5,000 in the movie, Millions.
